FALCON BOOT =========== A FALCON freebie from Mike of SINISTER DEVELOPMENTS! Ok folks, I wrote a rough version of this program the day I got my FALCON. It simply turned off the internal speaker after the fright I got when the music in lotus turbo 3 came pounding out that infernal speaker. The program on the disk installs a boot sector onto the disk in drive A. Simply reboot and it gives you the following options:- 1 - Toggle the 68030's cache 2 - Toggle the Falcons internal speaker 3 - Autoboot a boot disk - must be present in drive! 4 - Quit and bypass hard drive 5 - Quit and continue as normal The program won't work on any other machine, it does this by checking the cookie jar for a '_MCH' entry if present then a value of $30000 indicates that the machine is a falcon. It seems to bomb if you REALLY try hard but its a minor niggle!! If you want to contact me then write to :- Mike Watson, 42 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, EH3 9NQ U.K. Or Via the following Compuserve No - Where mail will kindly be on for me - 100010,2106 (Stuart Coates).